Day #3809 (Wed., Jun 10, 2020) – Ordering Sea Monkeys

Daddy got a new coffee grinder today. I am not a real coffee connauisseur, but do appreciate a good fresh cup of coffee. With the lock-down it’s not as easy to go and get a fresh cup anymore, so I will make them at home. New huge floats for the pool came this afternoon. Thank…

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Day #3288 (Sun., Jan. 6, 2019) – The Day After

The girls were up a lot at night. Welcome to the land of sleepovers. They had waffles and bacon and biscuits for breakfast (see photo to the left). Nobody wanted eggs, which is interesting. Natasha and Zoe were the two girls who slept over. Natasha is very disciplined and plays the piano fantastic. Zoe is…

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