Day #5354 – (Mon., Sept. 2, 2024) – Labor Day!

It’s Labor Day here in Canada! Oh how I remember Labor Day’s growing up as a kid… It was the sign that the great days of summer were over and school would soon be starting up… Same now! Tomorrow is a teacher work day and the kids will be going back to school on Wednesday!…

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Day #4990 (Mon., Sept. 4, 2023) – Artsy Haven!

Happy Labor Day! My wife took Bobby to the pool this afternoon.  Ethan was there, and this will be the last day the Clark Pool will be open for this year.  The kids could always go to Homestead to swim, but that’s a different experience entirely, and not free! While they were away Katie and…

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Day #4262 (Mon., Sept. 6, 2021) – UPS Sign

It’s Labor Day here in the US! Bobby’s iPad was not working. A little piece of the cable got stuck in the socket. My wife thought that she might have to take it to the shop to get repaired. I took a little needle and picked it out. The key was to take the bulky…

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Day #3898 (Mon., Sep. 7, 2020) – Labor Day

It’s Labor Day here in the US. No school or homework for the kids, so they had time to play some video games…a lot of video games. The “chalk paint” arrived via Amazon today. My wife and Katie painted her shelves (see photo to the left). We are thinking of getting a Minecraft account for…

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