Day #4728 (Fri., Dec. 16, 2022) – Last Day Of Class

The kids were up early this morning and eager to go to school as it was the last day.  I think back to my childhood and the last day of school before Christmas and the last day of school at the end of the year rivaled Christmas Day itself as the best day of the…

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Day #4538 (Thu., Jun. 9, 2022) – January 6th Public Hearings

I drove Bobby to school this morning in what will effectively be his last day in grade #1.  He was quite excited…to have this be the last day of school!  It will be a short day as I need to pick him up again in 3 hours, at 10:40 am. Katie is still not the…

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Day #4482 (Thu., Apr. 14, 2022) – Last Day Of School

Today is the last day of school.  The kids are off tomorrow for the long Easter weekend. The photo to the left shows the pollen that accumulated on my car windshield overnight.  This is the “stuff” that gives me so many problems… On the drive to school this morning Bobby and I talked about Queen…

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Day #3934 (Tue., Oct. 13, 2020) – Katie’s Short Story

Katie said that the kids were talking about what they are afraid of. Katie said that she is scared of being kidnapped. Some kids mentioned that they are scared of the Kool Aid mascot. I show Katie the Burger King mascot on YouTube…some people are scared of him. The photo to the left shows a…

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