Day #3934 (Tue., Oct. 13, 2020) – Katie’s Short Story

Katie said that the kids were talking about what they are afraid of. Katie said that she is scared of being kidnapped. Some kids mentioned that they are scared of the Kool Aid mascot. I show Katie the Burger King mascot on YouTube…some people are scared of him. The photo to the left shows a…

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Day #3636 (Fri., Dec. 20, 2019) – Santa Rescue

Today is the last day of school for both Katie and Bobby til after the new year. Bobby’s Christmas concert was this morning. My wife and I took separate cars. Arnesa brought Ayra. The frogs and fish performed, but not the turtles. They have found that the turtles are too hard to control at such…

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Day #2714 (Fri., Jun. 9, 2017) – Last Day Of School

The photo to the right shows the assortment of baby jars that Bobby enjoys. We had a number of various flavors to start, but they have gradually whittled down to these three. Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal on the first shelf. Prunes & Oatmeal on the second shelf. Apples & Blueberries on the third shelf. In the…

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Day #2515 (Tue., Nov. 22, 2016) – Path Of Cardboard Blocks

On the drive to Glenwood this morning Katie wanted to play “Bigger Than A Breadbox”. I asked her if she wanted a hard one and she said yes. Her guesses were road, pavement, etc… I meant hard as opposed to easy not hard as opposed to soft. I had to explain this to her. Today…

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