Day #3719 (Thu., Mar. 12, 2020) – Corona Virus Woes

I took Bobby to preschool this morning and picked him up at 1 pm after “Lunch Bunch”. The photo to the left shows the “snacks” that my wife made for Bobby’s class to enjoy. We then went to Umstead Park where we met up with Graham. Sarah told me that Graham can have milk products,…

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Day #452 (Thu., Mar. 31, 2011) – Les Miserables Smashup

When I woke my wife had sent me this email at 2:30am… ——————————————————————- After going to bed at 9 pm, Katie got up at 12:20 am and decided that it was a nap and now it’s time to play… She wanted to see you, so I had to lure her into the living room with…

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Day #450 (Tue., Mar. 29, 2011) – Screened In Porch…”Go” or “No”

I had to go to an HOA Meeting so I didn’t get back home til late. We discussed our patio screening a bit, but they want to get together without me and discuss it some more. We should know soon if it is a “go” or a “no”… Katie is growing like a weed…so much…

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Day #433 (Sat., Mar. 12, 2011) – The Turtle

7am… There is this bird that comes to the tree outside my bedroom window every morning. It sings and sings until I get up, then it flies away…at which point I can’t get back to sleep… We had a Skype with mom this morning. I find that we have to try to get the Skype…

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