Day #2569 (Sun., Jan. 15, 2017) – The Day After…

Well, Katie’s birthday party is over for another year. Time to clean up the house today. You can see one of the musical pillow cases in the photo to the left. Time to put them away now… Katie spent the day on a plate day at Wyatt’s house today. They could not come to Katie’s…

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Day #1571 (Wed, Apr. 23, 2014) – Frozen Sticker Book

Today was “CowGirl” Day at Katie’s school. Katie looked adorable in the little cowgirl outfit she wore. She even took her stick pony along to ride. When I dropped her off she was in my opinion the best dressed cowgirl there… This evening my wife and I bundled up Katie and drove over to the…

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Day #1292 (Thu., July 18, 2013) – Climbing A Tree

I took today off work as a vacation day so I was able to take my wife to work and back. When we came home this evening Katie was playing in the swimming pool. We took turns squirting each other with squirt guns. After dinner we decided that we would try out hand at Maple…

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