Tag: Moe’s
Day #1352 (Mon., Sept. 16, 2013) – Katie Home Sick
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Katie and I both are coming down with a cold/flu. I felt good enough to go to work. My wife felt it would be better to keep Katie home from school so that she didn’t give it to the other children. I stopped off at Moe’s for a couple of Joey Bag of Donut Burritos…
Read MoreDay #1343 (Sat., Sept. 7, 2013) – The Paving Guy
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We had a guy come to the house this morning and give an estimate on the cost of paving some of our driveway. The torrential rains this past summer have destroyed the bottom portion of it. We could fill it in with stones and gravel…but that is only a temporary solution. Paving seems the way…
Read MoreDay #1330 (Sun., Aug. 25, 2013) – Cardboard Cupcake Making Kit
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Katie is back into playing with the slinky these days. She likes the way it “springs” back into action when you let go of it. The photo to the left shows a slinky decoration. My wife needed to return some stuff to Kohl’s this evening so we bundled up Katie and took a drive for…
Read MoreDay #299 (Fri., Oct. 29, 2010) – First Grocery Racing Cart
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Today is the last day of the 200’s…day #299 since little Katie was born. My oh my how time flies! Little Katie got up just once last night! At around 2:30 or so. And then slept until 7:30! She is really funny today – roaring like a lion, laughing, and seems really happy. Who could…
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