Day #1517 (Fri., Feb. 28, 2014) – Spiderman Erasers

My wife took Katie to school today. Eleri is in Atlanta so my wife made sure to tell me last night to not mention “tomorrow you will see Eleri”, something that gets her excited about going to school. Today was one of the first Nature Explorer Days that they have had in a while. They…

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Day #1384 (Fri., Oct. 18, 2013) – The Pee Dance

Today is a combined “Fish” class and “Nature Explorer Day” at Katie’s school. Whenever I ask her what she did today she replies “I Don’t Know”. Not sure what’s up with that… My what a mess Katie can make when she wants to (see photo to the left). Katie was very fussy this evening. She…

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Day #1370 (Fri., Oct. 4, 2013) – Space Ghost

Even though Katie has not been sleeping through the night the past few weeks she manages just fine at school. Today was “Combined Class” with the other Fish Class and Nature Explorer Day to boot. My wife just received a voice mail that Margaret has a dentist appointment on Tuesday so Stephanie will be taking…

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Day #1044 (Mon., Nov. 12, 2012) – An Evening With Grandma

Katie found a way to sit at the table (see photo to the left) via a “booster seat”. Today was Nature Explorer Day at Katie’s preschool. I think today was the first time that it didn’t rain. Katie told us that her teacher said “No” to her today. It was hard to figure out what…

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