Day #4751 (Sun., Jan. 8, 2023) – Daddy’s Comic

Bobby has been asking me to show him the comic that I made almost 15 years ago, so today is the day!  You can see both Bobby and Katie reading it in the photo to the right. It is called “The Innovative Dr. Knowledge” and revolves around a boy who loses his mother at a…

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Day #4337 (Sat., Nov. 20, 2021) – Hide & Seek

My wife has cancelled Saturday afternoon Chinese classes, and today was Katie’s last Synthesis Class. We decided to have a family movie day today, but it eventually merged into a combined Daddy/Daughter Day #112 and Daddy/Son Day #43. The initial thought was to go to McDonalds, but when the kids wanted to come get the…

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Day #4178 (Mon., Jun 14, 2021) – Nuttela

I went to Harris Teeter on MLK this afternoon and picked up some “Nuttela”. Bobby has been asking for it for a while now. I was not sure if he would love or hate it, so I got the “middle size”. My wife purchased an inflatable water slide for our pool. It’s quite huge. We…

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Day #1389 (Wed., Oct. 23, 2013) – Meeting Danielle

I took today off work. Need a bit of a vacation. I ran some errands…for example I picked up some Food Lion cans for tomorrow. They cost about $8.00 but mean we can forgo the $18.00 admission price to the fair. Look at the photo to the left. It shows a circle that Katie drew…

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