Day #5164 (Sun., Feb. 25, 2024) – Elle Fanning Drawing?

My back is bothering me so I slept in till after noon. When I got up, Bobby was going to bed for a nap, and then my wife. I went to Panera Bread for a cup of coffee and told Katie to text me when Bobby got up as I would stop by McDonalds and…

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Day #5107 (Sat., Dec. 30, 2023) – Smashing Computers!

There was a martial arts class this morning but Bobby was too tired to go. No problem. At least he went last night, and is on the road to recovery… My wife had a couple of old computers that no longer work and she was going to get rid of. Rather than just throw them…

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Day #5060 (Mon., Nov. 13, 2023) – Homeschooling

Bobby is home sick again today. The school is giving us flack that he is missing too many days, so we are thinking of homeschooling… The problem with this is that Katie would want to be homeschooled as well, and heaven knows if you would ever get them to go back to the school system…

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Day #5027 (Wed., Oct. 11, 2023) – Crup & Parainfluenza

Both kids are at home today. As it turns out, Bobby has CRUP and Katie has PARAINFLUENZA. Here’s what Bard says about these two illnesses: Croup is a respiratory infection that causes inflammation of the larynx (voice box) and trachea (windpipe). It is most common in children between the ages of 6 months and 3…

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