Day #1254 (Mon., Jun 10, 2013) – Ewa And Gabby

The photo to the left shows the squirt guns that I picked up at Wal-Greens yesterday. When I arrived home from work today Katie greeted me at the door with a cup of red ink. You’re right…no good could come of that. Our neighbor Gabby, the 2 1/2 year old met me as well. Her…

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Day #1237 (Fri., May 24, 2013) – Katie The Cleaner

Katie has become a real helper around the house. She helped clean the windows in the living room today. The fact that most of the problem was created by her is immaterial… Check out the sticker/crayon creation in the photo to the right. This evening I put larger screws into the hinges on the door…

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Day #1186 (Wed., Apr. 3, 2013) – Zach Visits Twice

As I was driving home this evening I saw Lucy taking Zach for a walk. She said that they had just visited Katie at our house and were planning on stopping in again on the way home. Katie was very happy to be able to see Zach twice today. Katie said “The cow hurt his…

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