Day #4689 (Mon., Nov. 7, 2022) – Driving All Day

My wife set up a doctor’s appointment this afternoon for Bobby given the headache and how bad he felt last night.  This resulted in a long day of driving.  Here are the highlights: I drive the Camry and my wife drives the van to the doctor’s office at 1 pm so we can leave the…

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Day #4657 (Thu., Oct. 6, 2022) – Creek Walk

My wife is still not feeling 100% so I took Katie to school this morning.  This is also Bobby’s last day home due to school restrictions placed on those who have COVID.  He’s not too excited about going back to school tomorrow morning. Bobby mentioned that my car is older and dirtier than most cars…

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Day #4521 (Mon., May. 23, 2022) – Baby Opossum

Bobby was not feeling well this morning so my wife took him for a COVID test at the facility on Homestead Road.  The plan was that I was going to take Katie to school, but the test was done so quickly, my wife circled back and ended up taking Katie as well.  Bobby will be…

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Day #4501 (Tue., May. 3, 2022) – Screaming Rockets

Bobby had a 101-degree temperature last night, so we keep him home from school again today.  He was supposed to read some books for homework, so I sat down with him, and we did them together.  He read the book, I corrected him with any pronunciation issues and helped answer his questions (such as “what…

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