Day #4059 (Mon., Feb. 15, 2021) – Tinginys (Lazy Cake)

It’s President’s Day so the kids have today off from school. My wife and I have to work though. In honor of Lithuanian Independence Day (which is tomorrow), the kids and I made Tinginys, or Lazy Cake, this afternoon (see photo to the right). We didn’t have any condensed milk, so I used evaporated milk.…

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Day #3331 (Mon., Feb. 18, 2019) – President’s Day

Katie woke up sick again this morning. It seems to be a Monday morning ritual. When my wife drove her over to pick Helen up, after they started talking, Katie was fine. Katie doesn’t let Helen get a word in though…which my wife pointed out to her. Bobby, on the other hand, woke up extremely…

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Day #2605 (Mon., Feb. 20, 2017) – President’s Day

Today is President’s Day here in the United States but I am the only one in our family who gets the day off from work. Even my wife, who usually gets all the holidays off, had to work. My wife let me sleep in this morning and took Katie to school. On the drive home,…

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Day #1506 (Mon., Feb. 17, 2014) – Valentines At School

I had the day off at work as today is President’s Day. Since my wife had to work I dropped Katie off at school this morning. They are celebrating Valentine’s Day today as the school was cancelled on Friday. My wife had me give a huge bag of Valentine’s Day gifts to Miss April (see…

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