Day #4880 (Wed., May 17, 2023) – “Sick” Wedding Anniversary

The photo to the right shows Bobby climbing the tree outside of the Spence’s Farm house yesterday, just after handling the rat snake. Today is our wedding anniversary, but unfortunately everyone is sick, so today was more like “hanging on” rather than celebrating.  Bobby actually threw up in the afternoon and went for a nap. …

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Day #9 (Tue., Jan. 12, 2010) – Bye Bye Umbilical Bye Bye

6:00am – Little Katie is sleeping more and more at night, which means my wife and I are sleeping more and more at night. Looks like we might have crossed the border of the “sleep depraved”. 10:00am – Little Katie is still sleeping. A friend gave us a nice white travel bag??? (for lack of…

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