Day #641 (Thu., Oct 6, 2011) – Katie In The Booster Seat

My wife wanted to get out this evening so we packed up Katie and went to Abbey Road Grill. This was the first time that Katie got to sit in a booster seat (see photo to the left). She liked it for a while…but still wanted to get out and roam around. She saw the…

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Day #610 (Mon., Sept 5, 2011) – 26 lbs and 14 oz.

Katie weighed in at 26 lbs and 14 oz today. She is becoming a big girl. It’s getting harder to reach over and take her out of the car seat… It was raining this evening so no outing for Katie (she played on the patio instead as you can tell from the photo to the…

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Day #528 (Wed., June 15, 2011) – Half A Waffle

Katie managed to take 1/2 of a waffle off of my wife’s breakfast plate and ate it. She obviously liked it…if she doesn’t like her egg she will play with it and leave it in various formations on her tray. My wife heard back from a potential babysitter today. She is coming tomorrow evening to…

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