Day #5031 (Sun., Oct. 15, 2023) – 24 Cans!

I am in the market for 24 cans of vegetables, as with this we can get into the NC State Fair for free as a family. I initially stopped off at Food Lion, but they want about a dollar a can, so the clear winner in terms of “cheap” cans is Aldi (see photo to…

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Day #4660 (Sun., Oct. 9, 2022) – Sophia’s Birthday Party

Guenther & Russell came over from next door to get Bobby this afternoon.  Bobby put on his mask and ran with his excitement to play outside with them.  This was only for about 40 minutes though as he had to get ready for Sophia’s Birthday Party! Sophia’s Birthday Party was at the playground near Clark…

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Day #2946 (Mon., Jan. 29, 2018) – Concert In The Bedroom

The photo to the right shows some of the Lego exhibit that Katie went to yesterday. My wife kept Katie home from school today as she was not feeling well. My wife had her do some math homework and take a nap during the middle of the day. Katie told me that she was so…

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Day #2565 (Wed., Jan. 11, 2017) – Bobby Says “Toes”

Bobby is getting more and more into reading (see photo to the left). He liked his little book of trucks the most. After all this ice and snow there will be school for Katie tomorrow. Katie had her piano class today. My wife brought out the pillow cases with music notes on them for Katie’s…

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