Day #6 (Sat., Jan. 9, 2010) – The Pediatrician Part II

It’s 1:30am and Taxi Driver Daddy is working the night shift. My only customer doesn’t need a phone, she yells to place the call. With lungs like hers a phone would only be a waste of money…her voice is a much more effective transmitter. Since we came back from the hospital we have been snuggled…

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Day #4 (Thu., Jan. 7, 2010) – Visiting The Pediatrician

Here it is…the start of our first full day at home. 2:15am – I tried to sleep but with the screams of a baby it’s very hard. I guess that my wife has been up all night except for 30 minutes when Katie has slept. The pacifier is helping a bit, but I think she…

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