Day #90 (Sat., Apr. 3, 2010) – Baby Hat

10:30am – Little Katie was lying on the bed and cooing and smiling when she started to “smack her lips”. This give a very audible “popping” sound. The first time she has ever done that. Yesterday I mentioned that I purchased a hat from Target for little Katie. The photo on the left shows the…

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Day #34 (Sat., Feb. 6, 2010) – Running Low on Diapers

Little Katie loves to stare at her mother. She is fascinated. When she is in the “bouncy seat” and I rotate the seat, everything will move except little Katie’s stare. Not sure if she is recognizing her mother or the food supply at this stage. Another Skype session with my mother this afternoon. Little Katie…

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Day #27 (Sat., Jan. 30, 2010) – Let It Snow!

It’s 6:30am and I can hear the “snow and sleet” combo bashing into the window so I know what awaits me when I get out of bed. Won’t be long before little Katie glances a wondering eye towards this “white stuff” falling from the heavens… 10:30am – Oh the weather outside is frightful. Check out…

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Day #20 (Sat., Jan. 23, 2010) – Fussy Baby

It’s 6:45am and guess what? All three of us are up! Will wonders ever cease… 🙂 Little Katie called the meeting and my wife and I answered the call (or yell!). It’s 8:15am and my wife and I are ready to collapse from exhaustion. Little Katie is looking at us like “What’s the matter with…

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