Day #3582 (Sun., Oct. 27, 2019) – Southern Village Halloween

Well, our Amazon Echo was supposed to come today, but it didn’t show. Katie is expecially disappointed… This evening my wife and I took the kids to see the decorations at Southern Village. It seems to be a bit of a ritual that we do every year. The guy with the “big outdoor spider” has…

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Day #2128 (Sun., Nov. 1, 2015) – Target Giraffe Costume

Katie and Ella were supposed to have a play date at the park but Ella’s mom never called. It was raining most of the day so I guess the assumption was that it was “off”. We’re not exactly sure why but Katie decided that she would write her name on the dining room table with…

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Day #1763 (Sat., Nov. 1, 2014) – Helen Comes To Play

Helen came over to play with Katie at 10am this morning. I put on my Halloween hat and became “Lobster Man”. They loved it when I chased them around the house and pretended to catch them in my hat claws. After the good rain last night I put the remainder of the gravel into the…

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Day #1386 (Sun., Oct. 20, 2013) – Carving Pumpkins

This afternoon Katie and I (mostly “I”) carved out a witch on the second pumpkin (see photo to the left). I also retouched the eyes on the vampire pumpkin we made yesterday…the light was not shining through them enough. Soon the witch pumpkin was out at the end of our driveway to greet the Trick-Or-Treaters.…

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