Day #750 (Mon., Jan. 23, 2012) – The Red Crayon Book

I’m starting to come down with something…hope it’s not what Katie has. I really can’t afford to have to take time off work. Ramona is back to work today. She had to run some errands so it wasn’t a total 8 hour day so my wife tended to Katie for a bit of the day.…

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Day #114 (Tue., Apr. 27, 2010) – Jumbo Boxes of Diapers

6:12am – I’m up and running. I tried to sleep but it looks like Orca the Whale is back. The questions are: (1) How can a baby make so much noise when she is sleeping and (2) How can she sleep through it. More errands for my wife this morning so I took care of…

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