Tag: Strawberry Parfait
Day #4775 (Wed., Feb. 1, 2023) – Katie’s Story
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When I picked up Bobby this afternoon he happily told me that he had strawberry parfait for lunch and only got “One Reminder” today. Reminders are what you get when you are not paying attention in class. At least he’s improving… Hopefully zero tomorrow. He then proceeded to tell me the story of Mrs. Wolk…
Read MoreDay #4719 (Wed., Dec. 7, 2022) – Concert Drama
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All of the leaves in our front yard appeared orange this morning as I took Bobby to school (see photo to the right). Not sure why, but perhaps the fog and clouds created this effect? On the way to Glenwood this morning I talked to Bobby about this girl on a YouTube video who was…
Read MoreDay #4677 (Wed., Oct. 26, 2022) – Early Voting
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There is another dress up day at Bobby’s school today. Today they are to dress appropriate for a previous decade, like the sixties or seventies. My wife couldn’t figure what to dress Bobby up as so he went to school with a Harry Potter shirt. After dropping Bobby off I went to the Chapel Hill…
Read MoreDay #4437 (Mon., Feb. 28, 2022) – Video Intro For Katie
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I took Bobby to school this morning. On the way we talked about “Taking The Good With The Bad”. For example, he has to go to in-person school now, and spends more hours there than he spent on schoolwork during the pandemic, but he gets to have good school lunches and make new friends. I…
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