Day #4426 (Thu., Feb. 17, 2022) – Old Lives Matter

I picked up Bobby at Glenwood this afternoon.  While I waited in the the car I read the chapter about mountains in the “Dangerous Book For Boys”.  Bobby and I discussed it on the drive home.  Bobby also told me that he had strawberry parfait for school lunch, and skipped rope in gym class. The…

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Day #4423 (Mon., Feb. 14, 2022) – Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!  The kids are off school today and tomorrow for teacher’s work days. We have been taking basketballs to the end of our street and using the basketball net that our neighbors have put up.  Katie made quite a few baskets today (see photo to the left). On the walk up I told…

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Day #4419 (Thu., Feb. 10, 2022) – Bobby’s First School Lunch

Bobby had his first school lunch at Glenwood today.  I guess that he saw his classmates having school lunches and told my wife that he would like to try.  They went over the school menu earlier this week and so today was his first school lunch!  They had “Strawberry Parfait”, which I thought would be…

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