Day #573 (Sat., July 30, 2011) – The Jump Zone

We did a Skype with my mother this morning. Katie was busy running around and keeping my mother busy following her. I showed my mother the scribbler flash cards we made and Katie went through the various pictures. As usual, she got stuck on the “sun” picture and that was as far as we got.…

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Day #566 (Sat., July 23, 2011) – The Thomas The Train Exhibit

Another Skype session with my mother this morning. Katie was roaming around like mad…it was hard to keep the webcam on her. Katie would go down to her nursery and bring something out to the living room. My mother was fascinated as to what she would “bring out next”. My wife wanted to work on…

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Day #214 (Thu., Aug 5, 2010) – Thunder and Lightning

1:36am – It is thunder and lightning like crazy outside right now. You would think that little Katie would be up and screaming at all the noise, but she is sleeping like, well, a baby… 2:30am – Both my wife and I are up now. We can’t sleep through all this noise. Little Katie of…

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