Day #5222 (Tue., Apr. 23, 2024) – Both Kids Home

Both kids are home sick today. Bobby had a four hour nap at noon, so he stayed up late this evening. The photo to the left shows the classes that Katie will be taking in Courtney next year. A bit blurry, but hopefully you can make it out. The kids were fine this evening and…

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Day #5136 (Sun., Jan. 28, 2024) – Strep Throat

The girls (Katie, Tinsley, and Leah) had pancakes for breakfast this morning. Leah had a voice class at 10 am and Tinsley left at noon. They had a great time. I found out that Tinsley doesn’t like cake, but she loves Oreo’s. In fact, she took a leftover bag of them home with her. You…

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Day #5135 (Sat., Jan. 27, 2024) – Sleepover Time!

My wife took the kids to viola/violin practice this morning, then to the Hillsborough Sportsplex for ice skating class. They met up with Leah, Katie’s classmate, who is also taking ice skating lessons. Bobby was not feeling well so they dropped him off home before going to Trader Joe’s, etc. for supplies for the sleepover…

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