Day #4777 (Fri., Feb. 3, 2023) – No Reminder’s Today!!!

I went to Trader Joe’s after dropping Bobby off at Glenwood this morning.  I always have high hopes when I got there, but since the pandemic my hopes always seemed to get crushed.  For example, today I went there specifically for the tortellini that the kids love, and they were totally out of it!  They…

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Day #4130 (Tue., Apr. 27, 2021) – Trader Joe’s

My wife went to Trader Joe’s this morning for the first time in over a year.  It was nice to see some of the old products again, such as Green Goddess salad dressing (see photo to the right).  Having fresh lettuce is something that I really miss as you never know what the delivery person…

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Day #3681 (Mon., Feb. 3, 2020) – Stocking Up…

I ran a number of errands today so that we could stock up on supplies before my wife goes on her business trip tomorrow. At Sam’s Club I got some Angus prime beef, some cotton candy grapes, strawberries, and more cheese pizzas. At Trader Joe’s I got cat tuna, cheese doodles (as per my wife’s…

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Day #1518 (Sat., Mar. 1, 2014) – $350 In Groceries

Often times my wife and I plan our day around the fact that Katie will have a nap during the day. This works out great when she naps because depending on how tired we are we can go for a nap as well. Sometimes one of us can go and get groceries or do things…

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