Day #4862 (Sat., Apr. 29, 2023) – Ayra Visits

Arnesa was not feeling well today so Ayra came to visit us for the day.  The initial idea was that she would go to violin/viola group class this morning, but that class was cancelled.  No problem, they came back home and she enjoyed playing with Bobby and Katie. Next up was Bobby’s soccer match.  Bobby…

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Day #4859 (Wed., Apr. 26, 2023) – Glenwood STEM Night

I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning and pretty well came back home and went to bed.  Maybe there is a new allergen cropping up.  I felt good for a few days, but now I’m back to being tired.  I have an appointment with the allergist in a few weeks so hopefully they can…

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Day #3719 (Thu., Mar. 12, 2020) – Corona Virus Woes

I took Bobby to preschool this morning and picked him up at 1 pm after “Lunch Bunch”. The photo to the left shows the “snacks” that my wife made for Bobby’s class to enjoy. We then went to Umstead Park where we met up with Graham. Sarah told me that Graham can have milk products,…

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Day #3439 (Thu., Jun 6, 2019) – Play Date With Frankie

Bobby had a play date with Frankie, his “Fish” classmate, at the Dinosaur Park near his school this morning. They rode their bikes and enjoyed the Tootsie Roll pops that I gave them. After the play date, I drove Bobby to the Dollar Store to get another Ninja Soldier. The one we got yesterday has…

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