Day #4477 (Sat., Apr. 9, 2022) – Robot Dog

The kids had viola/violin class this morning, then it was off to Hillsborough for their last group skating class.  They each got a certificate to denote their accomplishment. On the way home, as has been the norm after skating class, we stopped off at Chick-Fil-A.  They screwed up our order yet again and left the…

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Day #3378 (Sat., Apr. 6, 2019) – UNC Science Expo

Take a look at the drawing did to the left. It looks quite a bit like the plush puppy don’t you think? My wife took the kids to the science expo at UNC this morning. They have it every year. They got a chance to see some robots, and Bobby was fascinated with the “corn…

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Day #2666 (Sat., Apr. 22, 2017) – UNC Science Expo

My wife took Katie to the Science Expo at UNC this afternoon. Katie got to play in corn scotch goo. They also had a tour of the chemistry department lab and their 3D printing exhibit. They blew massive bubbles. Katie got to make a clay pot. They also met LaDonna and their kids and had…

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