Day #2879 (Thu., Nov. 23, 2017) – Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day here in the United States. We invited the Bosnian family and Arnesa and her family as well. Unfortunately Zmeden could not make it as he is down in Tampa picking up a van that was donated to him. He will have a long drive ahead of him. The kids loved the corn on…

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Day #1422 (Mon., Nov. 25, 2013) – Up Goes The Tree

When I got home from work this evening Katie was beside herself. She wanted to put the Christmas tree up and my wife said that it would have to wait til I got home to help her. Well, daddy’s home, so let the fun begin. But first, supper…which is always a challenge as the kittens…

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Day #1050 (Sun., Nov. 18, 2012) – Up Goes The Tree

Instead of taking Katie to the park today we decided that we would go shopping for a Christmas Tree. We found one…at Lowe’s, but we thought we would check out Home Depot as well, so off we went. At Home Depot we picked out a new washer and dryer. My wife picked out a nice…

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