Day #5369 – (Tue., Sept. 17, 2024) – Daddy Has COVID!

Well, I tested positive for COVID today (see photo to the right). We suspected that I have had it for a day or so now, but today’s test confirmed it! Bobby went to school today but Katie is at home. His classmate Brodie, who lives across the street, wanted to come over to play later…

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Day #5365 – (Fri., Sept. 13, 2024) – Urgent Care

Both kids are home today. They don’t seem to be getting better, so my wife called up the new Urgent Care office in Courtenay at 1 pm to get an appointment. It just opened up last month, so we are lucky to have it. She was waiting a long time before someone picked up. Once…

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Day #5069 (Wed., Nov. 22, 2023) – Black Gi

I’m still not feeling well, and my Z-Pac is done, so I went to UNC Urgent Care this morning to see if I could get some other antibiotics. Mission accomplished. The doctor prescribed some amoxicillin, and we went to Walgreens to get the prescription fulfilled. After placing the decided to go to Aldi to get…

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Day #4809 (Tue., Mar. 7, 2023) – Running Errands

I took Katie to school this morning while my wife tried to figure out if the doctor sent a chest x-ray request to Wake Radiology. When I got back, off to Wake Radiology to get Bobby’s chest x-ray done.  There was a bit of a mix up with the doctor sending the fax, but eventually…

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