Day #2917 (Sun., Dec. 31, 2017) – Ghost Letter

Katie thinks she saw a ghost in her room. She wrote “it” a letter which you can see in the photo to the right. My ears have started to hurt so I went to Urgent Care this morning. Everything before tomorrow is free in a medial sense as I have already met my deductible. She…

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Day #1500 (Tue., Feb. 11, 2014) – Vinyl Zoo Stickers

Katie is still not feeling well so I thought I would go to the Toy Store in Chapel Hill and get her something to cheer her up. It’s always hard to figure out what she will like, but jungle animals seem to always be a big hit. At first I thought of getting her a…

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Day #1175 (Sat., Mar. 23, 2013) – Doctors Are Fun

My wife went to a consignment sale in Chapel Hill at 7am this morning. She returned with plenty of books for Katie. I told Katie that I was going to the doctor this morning. She said “I love doctors”. When I asked why she replied “Doctors are fun”. She then asked me where the doctor…

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