Day #1906 (Tue., Mar. 24, 2015) – My Wife’s Stitches

Our “Baby On Board” signs (see photo to the left) came in the mail. There are two…one for my car and one for my wife’s. My wife’s stitches started to turn red and ooze a bit so we decided that we had better drop by Duke and have them checked out. After we dropped Katie…

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Day #1487 (Wed., Jan. 29, 2014) – No School Today

Too much snow on the roads going out of our little community (see photo to the left) so I decided I would not go to work today. I worked from home instead. With the snow that fell on the ground overnight they cancelled Katie’s preschool. My wife took her over to play with Helen and…

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Day #1310 (Mon., Aug. 5, 2013) – Playing Soccer

When I got home this evening the house was deserted. I got a call from my wife that Katie and her were over at Helen’s and that they would be returning later in the evening. Of course when they came back Katie was crying…she doesn’t like leaving her friends. I was in the bedroom this…

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Day #1229 (Thu., May 16, 2013) – Wedding Anniversary Lunch

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary, but since our babysitter will not be available to work tomorrow my wife and I decided that we would take the opportunity and have lunch today instead. In this way we can have the added bonus of not only having lunch together, but not having to pay any additional dollars…

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