Day #4515 (Tue., May. 17, 2022) – Wedding Anniversary

The kids online class today as it’s voting day here in North Carolina and they were using the schools as voting locations.  Seemed a bit like 2020 & 2021 all over again in many ways. It’s also our wedding anniversary, so we decided that we would get take-out from Cholanad on Franklin street (see photo…

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Day #4150 (Mon., May 17, 2021) – Wedding Anniversary

It’s our 13th Wedding Anniversary today! With the pandemic raging it’s safer to just celebrate at home rather than go out. Bobby was teasing Katie that her “Water Broke” today. Where do these kids come up with these things? Bobby and I made a tennis ball launcher for Maple this afternoon. A plank, a platform,…

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Day #3785 (Sun., May 17, 2020) – Bobby’s First Book

It’s our wedding anniversary today. No restaurant meal courtesy of the coronavirus this year. Bobby read his first book today. You can see him with it (and Maple too) in the photo to the left. He has a good memory so we’re not totally sure if he can read it or just memorizes what it…

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Day #3419 (Fri., May 17, 2019) – Wedding Anniversary

I dropped Bobby off at preschool this morning.  I had to wake him up so he was not 100% there…  We gave a flower to Miss Peggy (along with all the other students) for 25 years of service. Once I dropped him off I went to see the nose doctor.  I had some hamburger go…

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