Day #4496 (Thu., Apr. 28, 2022) – Only 2.1% US Population

On the way to Glenwood this morning Bobby told me that his favorite school subject is math.  He said that his worst is “personal narrative”, where you need to come up with stories about a subject the teacher mentions.  He said that he can never think of what to say. On the drive home from…

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Day #4336 (Fri., Nov. 19, 2021) – Wife Gets Booster

I helped Bobby with his homework this afternoon. He needed to measure things with a “non-standard” form of measurement. We chose a “glue stick”. He had to measure a pencil, notebook, table, chair, backpack, and water bottle. My wife received her COVID-19 Booster Shot this afternoon. At violin class yesterday, when Bobby made a mistake…

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