Day #5007 (Thu., Sept. 21, 2023) – Scooter Run

I took Bobby to Glenwood this morning and picked him up at the bus stop this afternoon. Katie had a 100+ degree temperature today, so no school for her. She actually slept from about 1 pm today till well after 5 pm. My wife got an email from Katie’s school saying that she needs to…

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Day #3612 (Tue., Nov. 26, 2019) – No Naps Day #2

Remember the firetruck art that Bobby created yesterday? Well, the photo to the right shows a closeup of one of the things that Bobby is thankful for. It says “Me and my dad going on trips”. I picked up Bobby at 1 pm this afternoon. Since he got up again this morning we got together…

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Day #3611 (Mon., Nov. 25, 2019) – No More Naps?

My wife is off work all week. She dropped Bobby off at school and I picked him up at 1 pm as she had to go to Chinese class. Just before I picked him up I stopped off at Trader Joe’s to get a turkey as they tend to sell out. Well, the place was…

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Day #3564 (Wed., Oct. 9, 2019) – Play Date With Natasha

Glenwood is having a teacher work day so Katie had the day off. She was invited over to a playdate with Natasha, so after dropping Bobby off I took her over to Natasha’s place. After preschool today I drove Bobby to Wilson Park. Frankie and his mom joined us there. The kids enjoyed playing with…

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