Day #3260 (Sun., Dec. 9, 2018) – First Snowfall

We woke up to a “Wintery Wonderland” this morning (see photo to the right).  It started snowing around 3 am, has been snowing up til this morning, and is forecast to snow til 7 pm this evening.  The result is the photo to the left. Maple has been sleeping all day.  Is there something wrong…

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Day #1489 (Fri., Jan. 31, 2014) – Birthday Party At The Park

This pesky winter weather (see photo to the right) will just not go away. There was some talk of Katie’s preschool being either closed or delayed today, but in the end it opened at 9am…business as usual. After preschool Katie met Molly and some of their friends at the park for Molly’s Birthday Party. Due…

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