Day #4147 (Fri., May 14, 2021) – Visit To Yopop

My wife took the kids strawberry picking again today. We find that we need to go about every five days. Any less than that and we still have berries. Any more than that and the berries start to get “tired”. On the way home from picking berries they stopped off at Lowe’s for some plants…

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Day #3625 (Mon., Dec. 9, 2019) – Wife Takes Katie & Sophi

The photo to the right shows the Lego boat that Katie created the other day. I took Bobby to preschool this morning and picked him up. It’s Monday, so even though he wanted to play behind the school when I picked him up I took him home. It’s safer that way…a good way to avoid…

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Day #2009 (Sun., July 5, 2015) – Katie’s First Skate

My wife was beat and had a nap around noon today while I tended to the kids. When she got up I decided that I would take Katie out to the Hillsborough Rink for a Daddy/Daughter Day (#31). Sam offered to teach her how to skate but I figure it is my responsibility to at…

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Day #1917 (Sat., Apr. 4, 2015) – Katie’s First Kite

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and we thought we would have an extra special one for Katie so she realizes that she has not been left out. I went to the Dollar Store this morning and bought over $17 worth of stuff. Candies, bunnies and toys. I plan to put them around the yard this evening…

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