Day #198 (Tue., July 20, 2010) – Little Katie Entertains Herself

1:53am and everyone is up. Who knows when it’s time to sleep and time to be up or “what end is up” these days… I guess such is the life when you have a young baby…

2010-07-20 - Tape Measure
2010-07-20 - Tape Measure

Little Katie entertains herself for quite a while in the Activity Center each morning…which is quite a blessing. She goes to each and every toy and spends some time re-acquainting herself…even though she reacts to them like she has never seen them before.

The photo to the left shows a simple carpenter’s device that has been giving little Katie enjoyment as of late. It’s a tape measure. When you pull out the yellow measuring piece and then let it go it will snap back into the container. Quite a fascinating thing for a little chipmunk that is trying to find her place in the world…

Little Katie had 2 teaspoons of oatmeal today. She also had a bit of peach “mush”. At first she kind of liked it but then…”not so much”. Of all the things she has tried wouldn’t you think she would like peach the most?

When I got home this evening little Katie was crying til she saw me. She then had this look on her face like she was ashamed of making so much fuss. I sat down on the floor on the opposite side of the Activity Center from her and she quickly navigated to my side. She is becoming more and more adorable each and every day.


1) Little Katie loves the toys on the “Around We Go” Activity Center.